
LyJa Attended 2016 China Anim裡那al Husbandry Expo


On May 19th, 2016, LyJa Media with its弟子 Poultry Internationa歌西l China, Pig International Chin雜廠a, guojixumuwang, IPPE, Agrilink 窗費attended the fourteent員門h China Animal Husban體鐵dry Expo. At 9 o’clock, th懂金e opening ceremony was hel不員d in Shen Yang International 討跳Exhibition Center, wi技那th more than 10 thousand businessmen 商站and audiences attended, hosted by H林話e Xintian- Secretary of the Par黃購ty Committee of National Animal Hu西區sbandry Station and Vi錢離ce-President of China Animal A兵們griculture Association and addr的雪essed by Wang Zhicai- Chi信通ef Specialist of Pastu來答rage in Ministry of Agriculture-who th快南ought highly of IPFC, appraised its po腦森sitive influences in promotin對嗎g the development of animal husban市媽dry industry and contributed his exp民老ectation for a far more better空劇 IPFC.

Wang Zhicai in his speec美們h stressed that Ministry of Agriculture數公 attached great importance to 風數animal husbandry industry by pr現高omulgating a series of measures 廠高such as measures of laws and reg雨聽ulations improvement, policies prom喝子ulgation, technical support, indu老志strial construction, enterprise con空報struction, etc., which contributed生理 a lot in promoting the development麗金 of animal husbandry industry. During上身 the thirteenth five-year pl金厭an period, equipped wit唱老h more difficult devel文說opment tasks and more tougher environm很了ent requirements, th電拿e upgrading of animal hu短得sbandry industry has com綠吃e to its critical point. A gu新紅arantee on supply, safety and ecolo高器gy should always be insisted on the費金 way to promoting the 很麗upgrading and green developm物朋ent of animal husbandr空高y industry.

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