On 7th-8th July, 2017, International Pou山森ltry Forum was successfully launche子都d in Shanghai Marriott Hotel 家我by LyJa Media-International Poultry Ch商物ina, focusing on the topic “the Construc吃嗎tion of Smart Industry and P遠吃recision Production”. Participan校頻ts reached 200 covering 黑秒the whole industry from poultr有章y breeding, equipment遠新, internet of things, 見員food to supermarket and catering. T請訊hey are representatives的都 from China Agricultural University,好在 Yukou Poultry, Cobb, Gargil, CP Grou玩學p, Wens, New Hope Liuhe開道, Otaqi, Kemin Industries, S男關pringsnow, Yongda Food, Big Dutchman, 木討Elong, Guangxing Group, Big Herdsman, V銀志enco, Marel, MTC, METRO, KFC.
Li Dingding, publishe快行r of Poultry International Ch這現ina and General Manager of LyJa去議 Media
“All industries talk about微線 intelligence, then w話朋hat is the difference of po商年ultry industry intelligen鐵呢ce from other industrie街來s?” Li Dingding in her speec線雪h remarked that many equipment ent短他erprises had proposed 間亮the concept “Intelligence” d跳裡uring IPPF, VIV and China Anima多知l Husbandry Exposition 2017 and 放拿were mainly interested in 制習application of automation, inte低高lligentization, digitalization, and I老很oTs. As to poultry production,雪鐘 the driven force should always rely on區們 consumers. A better consumption can近坐 boost the development of t開鐵he whole industry. This 微樂year we turned to “Intelligence 技熱Industry Engineering and Precision Pr河亮oduction System”, expecting 河你 to find an approach which can truly pr服看omote the healthy developme懂術nt of poultry protein prod車我uction and consumption.
Greg Watt, CEO and President o美朋f WATT Global Media
Greg Watt in his wel關些coming speech remark鄉笑ed: “it’s a critical tim信公e for the development of global 大笑 poultry industry.” All cir白懂cles are very intereste學請d in topics such as the proces報看sing of antibiotic-free products, the腦哥 increasing speed of broiler qua資計ntity, and the broil開很er quality, etc. “met銀物hinks: we should also have a 費筆discussion about those topi師妹cs, and the industry shou公開ld explore solutions to those probl和唱ems. Accordingly, we w爸不ould probably confront with人師 some complications,筆能 for instance, by 2050, 雪鐵the global population will 身謝grow 2 billions, then how to 雪林meet the increased 2林歌 billions people’s food amount require對學ment? Therefore, the importance of to高服day’s and tomorrow’s topics are vital鐵相. We hope we can continuously promote t知喝he development of poultry industry 門制through intelligence industry engi街現neering and precision produ做要ction system construction.
On the forum, the first t金計opic was focused on “the Construction o吧書f Intelligent Poultry Industry in 空章Agriculture 4.0 (the approaching ag謝訊e of intelligent agricu厭哥lture)” leaded by Yang Changs科理uo, the director of Nat技微ional Poultry Engineerin用媽g Technology Center. Eleven in懂也dustrial scholars, experts and entr民術epreneurs revolving around the t路舊opic shared their resea慢們rch results and viewpoin放費ts.
The forum lasted two days. On老窗 8th July, eleven thematic reporters f術地rom Shangdong Agricultural University厭藍, DuPont, Cobb, Kemin Industries, B房能ASF, Shang Food Safety Federa著嗎tion, Ovodan Foods, S區議hineway Group, MTC, Sha白又nghai Ocean University, Haier Indu友舊strial Finance they launched 吧看an in-depth discussion up她高on “Comprehensive Precision Produc看煙tion System Optimizing Measures” 說東and “Intelligent Technology and Future 低們 Foods”, and shared their動事 experience and viewpoint with att刀很endees.